For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that who ever believes in him will not parish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Never been so tired...
Blessings, Lori
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Waking up with Jesus
"A faith that fizzles before the finish, was faulty from the start." Isaiah 58:13 I found this in her bible and this is how she felt. Her faith and love for the Lord was her life. She and Monroe, her husband had the most wonderful marriage and love for each other. I've never had the opportunity to see this before. When Mr. Story came in the room after she had been gone for a while. He stood up out of his wheel chair and kissed her on the mouth. I could only cry. The love of his life was gone. He has sat with her, patted her, prayed over her, helped her do all those things she couldn't because of RA for the past years. What an example of what real love is. My prayer is that the family will see that this is how God planned for marriage to be. We will celebrate her life today and tomorrow. You can find the information on her services at the following link.
Because of who He is, Lori
Friday, May 20, 2011
Dying process...
Because of His promise, Lori
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Sad and mad all at the same time
Now here's the mad... I am so mad because she won't listen to anyone. "I'm going to do what I want" is her attitude. We have been telling her for weeks not to let Mr. Story do things for her. Now here we are. This is one of the busiest week in our business and it looks like I can't be there. Lynn, my husband will have to be there so that I can be here. I'M JUST MAD!!!!
Here's the sad... it breaks my heart to see her in so much pain. She really is a sweet lady and I love her very much. It breaks my heart that Mr. Story can't be with her. He is so precious and loves her so much. He pats her hand and face when she is sick. I have never seen a man love a woman so much. I only hope Lynn will love me that much.
So there is my heart.
Blessings, Lori
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
My Favorite Food… PIZZA & I’m giving some away!!!!
I love PIZZA so much it is my favorite food. If I was stranded on an island and could only have one food it would be pizza. So I was excited to try the FRESCHETTA® SIMPLY...INSPIRED™ pizza.
We tried the Rustic Pepperoni Pomodora and it was AWESOME. The thin crust was crispy of which I love. The pizza is larger and has more toppings than you usually get on a frozen pizza.
FRESCHETTA® SIMPLY...INSPIRED™ offers FRESCH-TASTE SEAL™ Packing which locks in the vibrant flavors, while using 30% less packaging material.
There are eight different pizzas that offer very distinctive flavors: Farmers Market Veggie, Southern BBQ Recipe Chicken, Tuscan Farmhouse, Chicken Bianco, Hawaiian Style, Classic Bruschetta and Harvest Supreme.
SIMPLY...INSPIRED™ A Celebration of Great Taste™
Check them out on Face Book they will be giving away coupons.
I will be giving away a coupon for a free FRESCHETTA® SIMPLY...INSPIRED™ pizza of your choice and FRESCHETTA® bamboo cutting board.
To enter you need to be a follower of LorisStorys and leave a comment of which pizza you would try.
Hope you win!!!!
Blessings, Lori
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
This is the most awesome prize!!!!! One of those give aways that I REALLY wanted!!!
Blessings to you all,
Sunday, May 1, 2011
In transition
During my struggle, I was reading this post from Rachel and began to giggle. God is so funny at times. He knew just what I needed that day. Showing me just what He had for me through the words from a sister in Christ. I am so thankful that He loves me no matter what. Blessings, Lori