Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Doberdon, Hello to everyone! Just a little information while we are resting. This is the first day that I have had access to a computer. We are having a great time but are very tired. I can't wait to share with all of you what is going on. Hopefully I will have time tonight to post some pictures and tell you all about it. I will tell you a funny story. Bro. David ordered fudge from Dolores. She made it and wrapped it in foil and put it in a plastic bag. I ended up with it in my carry on bag. While we waited in line for our turn I was helping Dolores (AKA Sister) and Sarah Ellen not really paying attention to my things. We loaded our things into the boxes and sent them through the scanner. They pulled me aside and wanted to know what was in the foil. I started laughing and tried to explain what was in there. She took it out scanned it and rescanned my bag. They let me through and I got to keep the fudge.  Hope you all laugh as much as we did. Thank you all for your prayers and support. Continue to pray that God will use us.

1 comment:

Hal Harris said...

OOOhhhhh...Good!!! You got to KEEP the fudge. That should cause you to get an extra piece or two...just for the trouble you went through. I don't suppose any of it will make it back here...huh??
