Friday, December 25, 2009

My CHRISTmas present 1982

27 years ago today at 5:53 PM I gave birth to my first child. Jeremy Jonathan Cheney. I was 20 yeas old when Jeremy was born and had no idea how being a parent would change my life. Jeremy is such a blessing to our life and we are thankful for him everyday. When he was a young boy he was so happy that his birthday was on Jesus birthday. People would say isn't it hard to have your birthday on Christmas day and he would say "My birthday is on Jesus birthday. Oh the heart of a child. That CHRISTmas day forever changed my life. I am so thankful that God chose me to be Jeremy's mother. My prayer is that this CHRISTmas will forever change our lives. Because the birth of a child. The CHRIST child, Jesus. Please take the time to read Isaiah9:1-9 and Luke 2:1-20 With love, Lori

1 comment:

Laura said...

How sweet..I'm glad you dave birth to him too. Love the pictures :)
